Development of a web application for vegan cooking and nutrition. It offers numerous recipes and information on vegan nutrition. Premium users can contact qualified experts via video call to get first-hand advice.
Role:UX design student
Disciplines: User Research, Interviews, Information Architecture, Interaction Design, UX Design, and UI Design.
The general interest in vegan diets has never been higher. The health benefits such as lowered blood pressure and a significant reduction in heart disease have been documented in studies. Eating
no meat or dairy also reduces CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions.
The problem
In terms of nutrition: There is a considerable amount of misinformation and confusion. Vegan diets are often considered unhealthy because they don't provide the body with sufficient protein and
vitamin B12, e.g.
In terms of cooking: Searching for a recipe via Google means being overwhelmed with hits and makes it difficult for the inexperienced to recognise a good recipe as such. It is a time-consuming
affair, and success is uncertain.
The idea
Now is the perfect time to establish an app that offers fail-safe vegan recipes, nutritional advice and qualified experts for everyone who is interested in vegan nutrition. During the
registration process, you answer a few questions, which are then tailored to the user - from beginners to experienced vegans.
The app provides information on vegan nutrition and cooking. Premium members can consult qualified experts via video call.
There are countless apps with a focus on nutrition and cooking. Competitors are "Kitchen Stories", "Deliciously Ella" (vegan recipes and planning tool 1,49 € per month) and "Dr. Gregers Daily
Dozen" (nutrition and planning) and "Peta veganstart" (for beginners).
However, none of them offers the combination of personal contact with experts, vegan recipes and information about vegan nutrition.
Target group
The target group has an above-average income, lives in an urban area and has a high level of education. A healthy lifestyle plays an overriding role. A smartphone is always at hand and the use of
video calls and Facetime is a matter of course.
The target group can be roughly divided into two groups:
1. curious and looking for reliable information, simple recipes and tips.
2. already vegan and looking for new ideas, inspiration and expertise.
The app is lost in the big competition because it does not succeed in standing out from the crowd. Users are not willing to pay for a premium membership, which means that the USP is lost.
Vegan nutrition is a worldwide trend.
Current studies show that the number of vegans is continuously and rapidly increasing.
In Germany, the number of vegans climbed from 0.8 million in 2016 to 1.41 million in 2021.
Users need a way to ask questions about vegan nutrition without having to search endlessly. They need qualified answers from experts and cooking inspiration.
This is the case when a) we have many downloads and b) our experts are consulted.
With an online survey I wanted to make sure that the basic idea was accepted by the target group.
General questions gave me a first impression of their goals and needs.
Zhe results put me in the right frame of mind: the vast majority are familiar with cooking apps (81%) and are open to vegan food (71%).
Use a food app at least once a week
Would try vegan diet
Cooking daily 30 min or longer
Building on the survey results, we got more specific by conducting interviews. Four candidates with different lifestyles and diets were interviewed - from onmivores with an interest in vegan nutrition to an experienced vegan. We were able to filter out three insights.
1. ezee Vegan Experts
People who are dealing with the topic for the first time are confused by the flood of information. After all, anyone can claim to have expertise.
Qualified experts with knowledge in the field of nutritional science or cooking are absolutely necessary. We have to prove the expertise during the video calls and continuously build the trust of
the users.
Feature Idea:
With special cooking sessions, our experts and the app itself demonstrate their professionalism. We prepare simple recipes and give tips to reduce inhibitions about contacting a stranger.
2. smartphone & app behaviour
Interviewees have concerns about calling an Expert:in via video call. The main reason is the lack of confidence to communicate with strangers.
Communication via WhatsApp is much more popular. The advantages are that you don't necessarily need good reception, you can record voice messages and text while you are on the move.
Feature idea:
We add a chat function to the app and let our users choose the communication channel themselves.
A callback function could increase the attractiveness of video calls.
3. the respondents themselves
The participants all showed a great interest in the topic and are willing to try vegan food or already eat vegan. They have often used Google in the past to get new recipe suggestions and have
often been disappointed.
Their goal is to be proud of their prepared food and to get confirmation that it was worth the time, cost and effort. All are highly motivated, with sporadic 'cooking laziness'.
Feature Idea:
Daily recipe suggestions, source of inspiration. In addition, we offer guided cooking classes that involve users.
A friendly nudge reminding users to treat themselves to a home-cooked meal could be helpful.
"I am eager to try new things if they are well presented to me."
Stefano, Interviewee
To create the user personas I took the following information into account:
- Current statistics from Statista and ProVeg Organistation.
- Survey results for key data such as age, household size and cooking habits.
- Interview results for detailed insights like goals & needs and fears.
The outcome are three personas that make my work on the app easier and ensure that I can always remember the target group.
1. Lena, The Conscious Foodie
Lena is our main persona. Her age, lifestyle, goals and needs are a perfect fit for the app. However, it remains uncertain whether Lena would sign up for a premium membership.
2. Kati, The Creative Mother
This persona is an expert and would take advantage of the support of the Expert:in and thus the Premium Membership.
3. Kai, The Healthy Senior
He is health-conscious and focuses on the nutritional aspect of the app. He is also willing to spend money for the support of the experts.
User Journeys help me identify points of interaction with the app and think about solutions for their personal goals.
1. Lena, The Conscious Foodie
Pain Point: She has to buy many new ingredients, and fears the meal will be a flop.
Solution/Feature: Rating system, filter function
2 Kati, The Creative Mother
Pain Point: Her family won't like the vegan meal.
Solution/Feature: Rating system, Experts
3. Kai, The Healthy Senior
Pain Point: He is overwhelmed by the huge selection of new vegan products in the supermarket
Solution/Feature: Video Call
For me, scribbling is the best way of brainstorming. By visually translating information and ideas and by creating mind maps, I can identify weaknesses and fill gaps.
1. Search and Save Recipe
This will probably be the most used action of the app and it is elementary that users can easily search and save a recipe.
(click to enlarge image)
2. Registration, Save Recipe, Create Shopping List
(click to enlarge image)
3. Upgrade to Premium Membership and Make an Appointment Video Call
From an economic point of view, taking out a premium membership is enormously important. The app relies on paying premium members to maintain the service.
(click to enlarge image)
I conducted a moderated test with 6 participants. The average time was 40 minutes. All participants were given three tasks. The participants solved them successfully and the general feedback was quite positive. And, we were also able to discover some weak points.
I organised the feedback into rainbow sheets to identify weak points, think about solutions and prioritise the next steps. The new ideas were then implemented in the app to resolve the pain points.
ezee Vegan is dedicated to making vegan cooking and nutrition easier. The app is meant to convey simplicity and effortlessness.
The look and feel reflects just that, using hand-drawn mascots and a friendly writing style. Design choices include some obvious ones such as the colour green to signify health and nature,
combined with contemporary fonts and authentic imagery.
Throughout the process, I realised again and again how important it is to remember the business requirements in order not to lose sight of the priorities.
At the same time, I updated the sitemap with each new insight to always have a valid reference. Several lo-fi prototypes formed the foundation to create mid-fi and high-fi prototypes after
evaluating the user testing.